Founder Memo

  1. Read more: DEKO, our take on the record player, is about to drop.
    DEKO, our take on the record player, is about to drop.

    DEKO, our take on the record player, is about to drop.

    by London Glorfield

    I think any great product really starts with a personal "why"—a driving reason strong enough to make the product impossible for me to ignore. With DEKO, the reason was quite simple: I love collecting and listening to music on vinyl, but there are no record players under $1,000 that I love. 
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  2. Read more: The Ultimate Luxury Is Living Offline
    The Ultimate Luxury Is Living Offline

    The Ultimate Luxury Is Living Offline

    by London Glorfield

    The ultimate luxury is living offline. That's the theme. That's the manifesto.

    I've grown up glued to my phone—as has my entire generation. It was once an exciting and novel way to connect with friends and showcase life. But now, it's become an extremely addictive void of sadness, fakery, and jealousy. I don't like it… at all.

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  3. Read more: Why We Changed Our Name
    Why We Changed Our Name

    Why We Changed Our Name

    by London Glorfield

    This is London, co-founder and CEO of KICKBACK. I'm stoked to announce that I'll be starting a weekly "memo" to give those of you who are interested a deeper look into everything we're working on, thinking about, and designing. It's also a great way for me to organize and really think through my own thoughts. :)
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